We would like to encourage our clients and visitors to make recommendations of great resources relating to Leadership, Culture, Human Behaviour, Psychology and Human Performance.
Please make recommendations about resources that you believe are of value to our community. We reserve the right to remove any recommendation that we believe is not appropriate.
Any author or presenter who would like their materials featured in this page can contact anthony@sorkhc.com.au
Recommendations (6)
Submit RecommendationTitle: Chasing Excellence: A Story About Building the World's Fittest Athletes
This is an outstanding book about the pursuit of excellence. This book is not about winning or being the best, it is about being your best and what it takes to be totally committed and honest about what that means. Ben Bergeron has trained world champions in Cross-Fit including Katrin DavidsDotti 2 x womens world […]

Title: Design your own job through job crafting
Job crafting is a psychological construct that describes the top-down process employees engage in to alter their job design and work environment to improve their person-environment fit. This article gives a great summary of what job crafting is and how it can be actioned.

Title: The impact of restructuring on employee well-being: a systemic review of longitudinal studies
An interesting article that highlights how workplace hazards such as job insecurity, job control, physical job demands & degree of communication can mediate the relationship between restructuring and well-being.

Title: Start With Why
This book outlines how high impact leaders connect people, teams and organisations in a deeper more committed way by ensuring that the “Why” is starting point where people intrinsically commit through “Belief” in what they are doing. A good book for understanding the importance of self-actualising and achievement oriented thinking when leading others.

Title: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Published in 2009 by Riverhead Hardcover. It argues that human motivation is largely intrinsic, and that the aspects of this motivation can be divided into autonomy, mastery, and purpose. If you are wanting to develop your self-actualising and Achievement oriented thinking then this is an excellent book to read.

Title: Science And Human Behavior
The psychology classic—a detailed study of scientific theories of human nature and the possible ways in which human behavior can be predicted and controlled—from one of the most influential behaviorists of the twentieth century and the author of Walden Two.